I recently had lunch with a political leader who I have a tremendous amount of respect for. Let’s be clear on this, I believe his work is truly trying to make the world a better place. As I...
Visually Express Data with Excel in USA State Map
The world is visual and there are times that financial data needs to be presented in a visual form. Excel is capable of keeping up and making your life easier to display your data for management.
Effort Aversion Is the New Lazy
Last fall researchers David Comerford and Peter Ubel published an academic article describing the behavior of choosing less work when the pay is close to the same even if the job is boring. The...
Fear Means Go
I recently confronted a fear of mine head on and it reminded me how liberating and uplifting it is to overcome a fear. If we are not careful fear can consume us and paralyze us from action....
The Corporate Bully
A good friend shared the Inc.com article (How to Stop Jerks at Work | Inc.com) about corporate bullies with me a few months ago and it has had me thinking about this topic since. The author quotes...