Communicating the company’s strategy to the organization is a difficult thing to do. Everyone has to buy into the goal of where the company is headed and being able to clearly articulate the...
Untwisting Emotions in Business
Emotions follow us wherever we go and greet us in every situation in life. We cannot escape them however in business we must deal with them. The calculation of profit is a mathematical equation...
Flying Your Freak Flag
Sometimes we encounter folks in the course of business that are pushing the envelope on the logic of the day. I affectionately refer to the people as flying their ‘Freak Flag’.
The Politeness of Conflict
UBS is coming to grips with the loss its ‘rogue trader’ has inflicted on its balance sheet. The latest tally is approaching $2.3 billion which is a stagger sum of money. It is safe to...
A Scrum for the Office
With the Rugby World Cup Sevens taking place this week in Dubai, I thought it would be relevant to discuss a favorite project management that is derived from Rugby called Scrum. Scrum is a...
How to Calcuate Productivity
“How productive are you?” it is a simple question right? It is a question that many managers struggle to answer despite the platitudes given in board rooms and staff meetings about efficiency and...