I previously shared how to clean out the junk from Launchpad that is auto populated in one swoop – back to nothing. In the following months though, clutter has again entered the space and...
Untwisting Emotions in Business
Emotions follow us wherever we go and greet us in every situation in life. We cannot escape them however in business we must deal with them. The calculation of profit is a mathematical equation...
Flying Your Freak Flag
Sometimes we encounter folks in the course of business that are pushing the envelope on the logic of the day. I affectionately refer to the people as flying their ‘Freak Flag’.
The Politeness of Conflict
UBS is coming to grips with the loss its ‘rogue trader’ has inflicted on its balance sheet. The latest tally is approaching $2.3 billion which is a stagger sum of money. It is safe to...
Continuing Challenge to go Paperless
Since January I have been trying to remove paper from my daily life. This is for sure a big hairy audacious goal but one I think is achievable.
I started off the year trying to use my HP Laserjet...
Henge Dock for Mac
Keeping my desk clean and organized is always hard to do with the spaghetti like mess of wires coming off my laptop. Apple has not introduced a docking station for their MacBook line so I have...