Setting Up OpenERP on Amazon EC2
Initial perusals of OpenERP 7 appeared to be quite impressive and offering a robust ERP package for small business. Here are the simple steps to test this out further using Amazon’s AWS cloud computer service.
- Create an Amazon AWS account at aws.amazon.com
- Select the EC2 – Elastic Servers in the Cloud menu
- Launch Instance
- Quick Launch Wizard – Select Ubuntu Server
- Create a Key Pair and a Security Group
- Voila – Your new Ubuntu Server is Running
- Log into your server via SSH
- This can be accomplished many ways – easy way is to just hit connect via the admin console
- Add the Nightly Repository to the sources list
- use VI to edit /etc/apt/sources.list
- Add to following line to the sources list
deb http://nightly.openerp.com/7.0/nightly/deb/ ./
- Run these commands to update the server and install OpenERP 7
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install openerp
- Setup an OpenERP user in SQL
sudo su postgres
createuser openerp
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
- Now login at <your public dns address>:8069
You will have to create a db and change the default passwords admin/admin to something more secure.
amazon aws, amazon ec2, erp, free, gl, openerp, opensource
Omar Zaragoza
Thanks x 1000000000!!! You are awesome, thanks for sharing Gregory!
Thanks Grehory. Can i update the open erp xml files after step 5. Say if i want to edit the file \openerp\addons\web\static\src\xml\base.xml. How do i do that?